If you pay by check (made out to Port Chester Historical Society), please mail with your membership form (print via the blue button) to: P.O. Box 1511, Port Chester, NY 10573
Thank you!

Member Benefits

Your membership in the Port Chester Historical Society entitles you to participate in the love of local history, all newsletters and mailings, advance invitations to public and member-only events and tours, and programs as we develop them. Commercial or business sponsors are eligible for recognition in our newsletter and other printed materials, as well as acknowledgment at public events and gatherings.

Membership Type

Annual Membership


Family (Household)……………………….….$30

Senior (over age 62)…….……………………$10

Student (enrolled in HS/MS)………………...$0

Commercial/Business Sponsor……………..………………………..$500

Lifetime Membership

Single Lifetime Membership…………………………………$200

Family Lifetime Membership…………………………………$300